Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This photo is one of my faves from the Holidays. Savannah catching a late nap on daddy's lap. This is what the Holidays are all about!!

Here are a few of my favorites from this fall and summer of the kids -

So it feels like it's been forever since I've posted. My New Years Resolution - to hopefully be a better Blogger!
The Holidays were great! & crazy busy!! Some of my favorite things:
-family time
-a date night w/my hubby
-baking holiday goodies w/the kids
-playing wii (xmas gift - Yea!) although I SUCK at everything but bowling:)


Mashelle said...

Hello my name is Mashelle my daughter goes to Blandford as well I love the way you capture their emotions

Sara said...

I absolutely love your daughters hair.

Sarah Mansell said...

Hi Mashelle,

That is awesome that your daughter goes there as well. And thanks so much for the compliments!!

Thanks Sarah for the compliment on my daughter's hair. I actually just cut off 4 inches per her request. I'm sort of sad but I know it will grow back by the fall.