Friday, October 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Jakob

My boy is 11 today! It has been the most amazing thing watching him grow over the past 11 years. He has amazed us in so many ways. Tonight we celebrated his birthday which he made sure we didn't forget. He kept telling me all week that his birthday was on Friday just in case we might forget:) And he left me a voice mail at work today telling me that when I called him back, the first thing that comes out of my mouth had better be "Happy Birthday". And then when Savannah and I got home today he kept asking Savannah to tell him "Happy Birthday" every five minutes. The boy is crazy! That's why we love him so. He makes life so enjoyable and keeps us cracking up!!

My Baby is 3

It seems like only yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. Sean and I sit back all the time and ask where the time has gone. Savannah has brought so much joy to all of our lives. She's such a big girl and has the most suprising sense of humor ever. She's always making us laugh.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

L & J

Little "L" and Little "J" were too adorable. We had our session at the park and they had so much fun climbing, running, and chasing the ducks. Here's a sneak peak for mom!

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Day At The Park

While Jakob was busy working on a project for school and daddy was watching the game, I took Savannah out for a day at the park. We had a lot of fun! We fed the ducks, played on the playground and in between she allowed me to take some shots.